Friday, December 5, 2008

Living Conditions at the "College with the personal touch"

I have been doing extensive research on Jarvis Christian College as well as Wood County trying to figure out why the College is not county or State regulated. During my sophomore year I became very curious with the health conditions around Jarvis.

In my second year, I didn't want to publish any of my research due to the limited amount of human rights at a private institution. My freshmen, sophomore, and junior year I stayed in Berry Hall, what was supposed to be considered as the Honors Dorms. Unfortunately they were not. Honors can be defined as a special rank or distinction conferred by a university or college. Berry Hall did not constitute those characteristics.

Primarily Berry Hall lacked in the sanitation area. Restrooms were never cleaned and kept up. The showers were covered in fungus and dirt. The janitors did not clean or sanitize the showers at all. The sinks would be covered in food that people would leave after washing their dishes. The mirror was never wiped down and would be covered in marinated toothpaste and shaving cream.

The other conflict of the living conditions were small violations of the fire code. Arm rails to the stairs were disconnected from the ground making it loose and unstable. Sprinkler systems were not functioning properly and were detached from the ceiling. Also the air ducts to the rooms were very clogged with dust and whenever there is dust mold can develope. With the air blowing it could be blowing the dust and mold into the air.

I must truely say that Jarvis has made a large difference since my first three years while in attendance.

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